JBSP Mortgage Calculator

The Joint Borrower Sole Proprietor (JBSP) Mortgage calculator we have is free to use.

FREE JBSP Mortgage Calculator

The JBSP Mortgage calculator below is Free to use. However, it is just an indication of how much you can borrow.

For a more accurate figure get in touch with one of our advisors that can give you an idea for free.

Illustration purposes only, not to be considered as financial advice or a mortgage quote

How do I use the Joint borrower sole proprietor mortgage calculator?

Our Joint Borrower Sole Proprietor Mortgage Calculator couldn’t be simpler. Just click lets start and have all the information of anyone that will own the property and any joint borrowers, include:

  • Employed income
  • Self Employed income
  • Contractor income
  • Benefits
  • Bursary / Stipend
  • Pension
  • any other income that comes into your home

Add to that any income from the person you want to add on, and enter that above.

What is a JBSP Mortgage Calculator?

A Joint borrower sole proprietor mortgage calculator will give you an approximate amount that you may be able to borrow if you were to add someone on to your mortgage that will not own the home. This is really advantageous for younger people that may want to borrow more at the start of a career, or when they know their household income will increase over time.

Who can use a Joint Borrower Sole Proprietor Mortgage Calculator?

Many people will be able to use a JBSP Mortgage, and can therefore use our calculator. This includes people with light adverse credit, or historic adverse credit. However, more recent blips in your credit file may result in the JBSP mortgage calculator not being right for you. If you are unsure you should speak to a specialist about your options.

What Is Different About A Jbsp Mortgage Calculator?

A JBSP Mortgage calculator will utilise income from both the homeowners and the additional borrowers you can add via the Joint Borrower sole proprietor scheme. This therefore means that You can use more income in order to get a higher maximum loan.

Our Joint Borrower Sole Proprietor Mortgage calculator is free to use.

How Accurate Is The Joint Borrower Sole Proprietor Calculator?

An online JBSP Mortgage calculator will not be completely accurate. This is due to the complexity of a Joint borrower sole proprietor mortgage. However, if you want a more accurate figure for how much you can borrow on the JBSP scheme you can speak to an advisor. This will give you a very accurate figure for how much you can borrow.

We can even give you multiple scenarios with different people on the mortgage to see who you should add on as the non-proprietor.

Do Different Lenders Offer Different Amounts?

One of the most important things to remember is that different lenders calculate the maximum amount you can borrow differently.

Not only do different lenders accept different income, but many have different maximum ages that they will let you run the mortgage to. This can lead to higher or lower maximum loans as you tend to be able to borrow more if your mortgage is over a longer term.

How Many People’s Income Can I Put In The Jbsp Mortgage Calculator?

Our JBSP mortgage calculator works from a singular income total. However, you can include up to 4 people’s income. This therefore means that you can add in multiple income streams from multiple people to give you an approximate maximum loan.

With our joint borrower sole proprietor mortgage calculator for the non-homeowners, add all their income up and put it into the calculator when it asks for the joint borrower income.

How Can I Get A More Accurate Figure?

If you are interested in a more accurate figure for how much you can borrow on a JBSP Mortgage we recommend speaking to a specialist mortgage broker. A JBSP mortgage calculator gives a rough figure, however it will not be 100% accurate. Therefore speaking to someone is the best solution. It usually only takes 5-10 minutes to give you an idea of how much you can borrow.

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